Proper essay format

At some point in the course of education, every student will have to write essays, sooner or later. These assignments are not only numerous, but also extremely diverse, so it’s really beneficial to get acquainted with the main types, their goals and also distinctive format, structure, requirements etc. The most basic structure of an essay are “XYZ”, “sentence-paragraph” and “Problem-Solution-Result”. We will stop at the second one, which is quite common, but not really clear. Here are the details of such a logical pattern:

  • Problem. In any part of an essay, regardless of type, there is an issue to be exposed to the reader and it is typically called “the problem”. The funny thing here is that it may not even be something bad, but rather a challenge, a goal or a plan – something you have to work for or grow to achieve.
  • Solution. This part of the logical structure of an essay is your way of achievement of the goal or overcoming of the issue. It goes right after the “problem” and specifies the ways that it is “solved” through, whatever the essay is about. The solution is typically bigger than the statement of the issue.
  • Result. Call it as you please – the lesson learned, the gain, the benefit. Basically, it’s a way to summarize what exactly the meaning of the solution is.

Essay structure examples

Just for you to have a better understanding of this logical structuring pattern, let’s have a short example for some essay types, a comprehensive essay structure template.

Expository: Upon getting an assignment for a personal narrative (problem), I decided to browse the Internet and learn everything about personal essay format that I could find (solution). Doing so helped me write a great paper and improve my GPA (result).

Persuasive: Keeping a proper sitting posture may be challenging (problem), but it will have a great positive impact on your spine, so get some post-its to remind yourself about it (solution).This way you’ll avoid walking problems when you’re old (result).

Analytical: It’s not much of exaggeration to say that low-cost airlines are dealing a serious blow at commercial flights just by looking at the figures (problem). However, with proper differentiation of airline classes, it’s easy to remove the economic issue (solution). The following chart shows a sample division to balance the passenger satisfaction and flight classes (result).

Proper Essay Format

I hope this essay structure template is enough for you to get the tricks of “Problem-Solution-Result” logical pattern in essays.

What the proper essay format is

Most essays can be brought down to a single general format, with some parts being optional in some essay types. The proper essay format goes Introduction -> Main Body -> Conclusion. A summary essay may not have a conclusion and some other types vary in size rate between the parts, but in general, they all look the same.

The introduction is a part of an essay that “sells” the whole text to the reader. Like a personal card, which tells you if a person is interesting to you or not, introduction hooks the audience’s attention and shows if the whole essay is a good read. It should consist of 1-3 paragraphs and bring the reader around the environment, where the idea of your essay dwells. For example, if you’re writing about a historical event, the introduction should contain a short summary of what preceded it.

Main body is where you have the most freedom, unless it is a summary essay, of course. It usually consists of 3-6 paragraphs and here’s when you bring up all the ideas in detail – the evidence, the facts, the emotions, depending on the essay type. The first paragraph of the main body should have a clear link with the introduction, so that the reader’s attention just flows through the text without any troubles.

Conclusion is what you want the readers to remember for themselves after having read your essay. It is usually short and contains a paragraph that summarizes the main body.

Essay tricks including personal essay format approach

As a wise man once said, if you can delegate the work – do so. What does that have to do with essays? Well, the good news is that there is someone who can write your essay. In case you have troubles, you can always apply for professional essay structure help.

As for the second guideline is that you should find a way to create a detailed 5-paragraph essay outline first – it’s always easier than writing everything from scratch. Good luck with your writing!